How Pexa Works
The PExA method gives researchers an instrument to measure a number of different biomarkers from the microscopic particles in one exhaled breath.
PExA utvecklar, producerar och marknadsför ett forskningsinstrument för att studera luftvägssjukdomar som till exempel astma och kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom, KOL.
Severe lung diseases, such as COPD, often start with pathological changes in the small airways, but there is currently no non-invasive, user-friendly technology to measure the status of the lungs. The PExA method brings new opportunities and gives researchers an instrument to measure a number of different biomarkers that each represent a potential disease marker or target substance for pharmaceuticals.
Professor Anna-Carin Olin explains...

PExA Has Unique Advantages
- The collection is efficient, reliable, and repeatable.
- The collection is non-invasive (i.e. without physical violation) and is easy to implement.
- Sampling can be repeated even on the elderly and the sick.
- The analysis of collected particles provides quantitative as well as qualitative results.